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Recruitment service
  Executive search
  Permanent recruitment
  Recruitment process outsourcing
Organization development
  Organizational and individual development
  Company activities
  Employee satisfaction research
Evaluation and assessment
  Evaluation of employee capacity model
  Evaluation of occupational adaptation
  Interview tools
  Evaluation of organizational capacity
Home£¾Organization development£¾Employee satisfaction research

Most organizations will need to conduct and employee satisfaction (ESAT) survey at some point.

Once you have the funding to conduct an ESAT, the survey design process begins. You can require certain questions be answered, we will also review your process and customize your questionaire. Then selecting methodologies to determine whether paper should be used.

Once questionnaire has been designed, the next stage is inviting the employee by a good ivitaition process to attain very high response rate.  

After date cellected, we start to analysis and reporting process. We provide not only survey date, but also sharing the result with your management team and employees. Meanwhile, we keep the survery result to comparing industry standard and tracking changes every year.  Finally, company could acting on the result to increase employee satisfaction level.

FDS, your best HR partner in China! We are professional in recruitment service, let you focus on what you do best.